New-generation systems

The partnership between Gualini and Dynamo Energies has risen thanks to our spirit of innovation and responsibility to the environment. Dynamo is an innovative SME dedicated to sustainability that wants to improve life’s quality and the energetic impact with its technologically advanced and based on renewable energy products.

Also, Dynamo deals with the realization of new-generation photovoltaic systems, identified in various models that combine high technology and design: the 1.4.9 Monolith, the D6 Cube, and the D8 Pyramid.

Innovative technologies

Driven by our corporate values, our company has started the collaboration with this state-of-art project thanks to the installation of the Dynamo Lab, an open-sky lab available for the visit of installers, distributors, and designers. Also, it is an R&D area. Some of the Dynamo products are installed in the lab: a medium Cube, a large Pyramid and two Monolith, a medium one and – absolute innovation – one with integrated-screen.

Gualini – focused on innovative technologies – is proud to have started this journey with Dynamo. The collaboration has, among its target, the design of one of the future’s best smart cities.

Dynamo Energies website